Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Is this the best time for love?
So many options
Matrimonial sites and dating apps
Found in shared taste in pottery class
In shared pain at work
And society reluctantly giving up norms
Resigned towards the inevitable

Is this the worst time for love?
So many options
Easy validation sliding into DMs
Lovers on rent
For a night, for a week
Fill the hole in your heart
One face, one tequila shot at a time

Terrifying, isn't it?
There's no time for love
Exhilarating, now
It's the only time for love
For me, it's you
The perfect time for love
Now is all I have
You are all I have
For now

For now
When I'm not writing poetry
Or hyperventilating over Murphy's law
I'm making calculations on a little notepad
A complex quadratic equation
Manipulating x's and the y's
To turn now into forever
The perfect end to love
Isn't a whole number
It's a binomial function,
An eternal curve
You see,
The perfect end to love
Is no end at all


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I could just relate to x's.... Y's were just mind games with a value of zero

Anonymous said...