Friday, March 30, 2012


I lose myself in the vast blue skies
As I look up
I lose myself in your deep black eyes
When you look up
At me sitting in my corner of the room
As I watch
The corner of your mouth in the gloom
As I botch
My words in trying to express
A connection
And failing miserably to impress
This reflection
Upon your playful vulgar conscious
As your eyes
Rove over me, predatory, pretentious
All smiles
Looking for doors where there are none
Only windows,
My eyes, that you ignorantly shun
Wherein goes
The less-travelled path to my soul,
My madness
The covers entice you, not the whole
The sadness

1 comment:

Tapas said...

I love the poem .. it’s a song .. you have become more of a songwriter than a poet in your last few works. .
Very interesting flow, would nicely fit a soft-rock background score.

Line # 5, 6 and 11 feel like they are 1-word short for the rhythm to fit.
I loved line no. 9 for its poetic nature..

Other than this .. its perfect : )